The Department of Social and Political Sciences is home to some of the most internationally respected experts in the social sciences. Interdisciplinarity is at the core of our department's mission. World-class academic work is produced from diverse viewpoints to study complex social problems and processes that can rarely be resolved within strict disciplinary boundaries. The Department has always been able to take advantage of its prominent position within the Bocconi University and its academics have enriched the University with their ground-breaking social science research. As a testament of the Department's research reputation, 11 members of the Department have been awarded or are currently coordinating highly competitive European Research Council grants.
Given its interdisciplinary pedigree, the department is uniquely positioned to offer innovative courses at the Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD level in Public Policy and Economics, Public Administration and Management, Political Sciences, Sociology, Demography and Health, and Historical Studies. Our courses provide rigorous analytical and quantitative tools needed to understand the social, political and economic challenges of our global society, yet being strong on innovation – always giving students a cutting-edge perspective of European and World developments. The Head of the Department is Vincenzo Galasso.
The Department is home to scholars from many parts of the globe and committed to promote tolerance, respect, and acceptance of different views and perspectives, with social justice, equity and human rights as our guiding principles.