Giunia Valeria Gatta

I am a political theorist, with interests also in international politics. I graduated in philosophy from the University of Milan, and received my PhD from the University of Minnesota. Beside Bocconi I have taught at the University of Minnesota, The Ohio State University, Columbia University, and New York University in Abu Dhabi.
I am drawn to political issues that exceed the coordinates of reason, so I have been thinking and writing on empathy, suffering, and guilt – in particular political guilt for injustice in the past that endures in the present in the context of racialized politics in the United States.
Liberalism, existentialism, contemporary political theory
Liberalism for dark times: Judith Shklar versus populist constituencies
GLOBAL INTELLECTUAL HISTORY, October 15, ForthcomingRethinking liberalism for the 21st century: the skeptical radicalism of Judith Shklar
London: Routledge, 2018«Shklar made me do it!». The liberalism of fear and international intervention
STORIA DEL PENSIERO POLITICO, 7, 261-282, 2018Suffering and the making of politics: perspectives from Jaspers and Camus
CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY, ) 14, pp. 335-354, 2015Visiting or house-swapping? Arendt and Jaspers on empathy, enlarged mentality and the space between
PHILOSOPHY & SOCIAL CRITICISM, 40, pp. 997-1017, 2014I teach political philosophy and human rights to students in our Bachelor in International Politics and Government, as well as the Ethics of International Organizations to students in the Executive Master in the Management of International Organizations