Alessia Melegaro

I am Full Professor in Demography and Social Statistics at Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Sciences. I am a Research Associate at the Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics and Public Policy. I am economist by background and I hold a Ph.D.  in Quantitative Epidemiology from the Department of Biological Science at Warwick University, UK. I work at the intersection of demography, epidemiology and public health. I am the Director of the Master in Data Science and Business Analytics. I am the Director of the Bocconi Covid Crisis Lab, a multidisciplinary laboratory for research on the epidemiology, economic and social impact of Covid-19 on our societies. I am currently the PI of an ERC Consolidator Grant on the analysis of the impact of human behaviours on infection spread.

Full Professor
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Research interests

Policy modelling, health and well-being. Mathematical modelling and statistical analysis of infectious disease data. Economic evaluation of healthcare programs. Designing optimal vaccination programs in developed and developing countries. Modelling demographic trends and human behaviours together with infectious disease dynamics. Multi-layers network, opinion dynamics and contagion processes. 

Selected Publications
Shayegh, Soheil; Andreu-Perez, Javier; Akoth, Caroline; Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Dasgupta, Shouro; Falchetta, Giacomo; Gregson, Simon; Hammad, Ahmed T; Herringer, Mark; Kapkea, Festus; Labella, Alvaro; Lisciotto, Luca; Martínez, Luis; Macharia, Peter M; Morales-Ruiz, Paulina; Murage, Njeri; Offeddu, Vittoria; South, Andy; Torbica, Aleksandra; Trentini, Filippo; Melegaro, Alessia

Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine allocation in resource poor settings: towards an Artificial Intelligence-enabled and geospatial-assisted decision support framework

PLOS ONE, 2023
Duch, Raymond; Roope, Laurence S. J.; Violato, Mara; Fuentes Becerra, Matias; Robinson, Thomas S.; Bonnefon, Jean-Francois; Friedman, Jorge; Loewen, Peter John; Mamidi, Pavan; Melegaro, Alessia; Blanco, Mariana; Vargas, Juan; Seither, Julia; Candio, Paolo; Gibertoni Cruz, Ana; Hua, Xinyang; Barnett, Adrian; Clarke, Philip M.

Citizens from 13 countries share similar preferences for COVID-19 vaccine allocation priorities