Veronica Binda

I was born on June 26th, 1980.
I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Economic, Statistical and Social Sciences from Bocconi University (2003) and a PhD in Economic and Social History from Bocconi University (2007).
Before joining the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Bocconi University, I held positions at the University of Parma and at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
Research interests
My main research interests focus on business history in Southern European countries, global economic history, and the history of international business.
Selected Publications
Business History in Europe: Opportunities and challenges for young business historians. Some insights from the European job market
in “Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte Journal of Business History”, 67 (1), pp. 107-131Storia della contabilità e storia d’impresa: convergenze, divergenze e prospettive future
“Rivista della Corte dei Conti”, numero speciale 1, pp. 31-39Sol
Enciclopedia Treccani, Vol. 1, Rome, pp. 346-348Trends in the fashion business: Spain and Italy in comparison, 1973–2013
ENTERPRISE & SOCIETY, 21 (1), pp. 79-109 , 2020Social perception and corporate image of the largest Italian enterprises (1950-1975)
Archives of Italian economic and business history, Franco Angeli, Milan, pp. 122-143, 2018Il settore dell’auto tra multinazionali straniere e imprese locali. Italia e Spagna a confronto (1900-1990)
La industria del automóvil de España e Italia en perspectiva histórica, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, pp. 335-365, 2018Designing highly interactive flipped learning experiences: the case of a Business History course
EDULEARN18 Proceedings, IATED, pp. 10122-10130 , 2018I cartelli come istituzione anticrisi. Il caso italiano (1900-1960)
RICERCHE DI STORIA ECONOMICA E SOCIALE, III, 1-2, pp. 191-218 , 2017A short history of international business in Italy: what we know and how we know it
Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, Vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 69-99, 2016Spanish business performance in the twentieth century
The performance of European business in the Twentieth Century, Oxford University Press, pp. 136-150, 2016Teaching
As far as my teaching activity is concerned, I am especially involved in geopolitics, economic history and international business courses, using traditional and innovative teaching methods.