Elisabetta Merlo

I am Associate Professor of Economic History. I hold a Ph.D. in Economic and Social History from Bocconi University. I am affiliated at ICRIOS - The Invernizzi Center for Research on Innovation, Organization, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (Bocconi University)

Associate Professor
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Research interests

My research interests include the history of the Italian fashion, of the Italian fashion industry and of the Italian fashion companies.

Selected Publications
Merlo E.

Giorgio Armani. L’impresa italiana

Vol. 1, Le storie, Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, pp. 686-689
Merlo E., Belfanti C. M.

Fashion, product innovation, and consumer culture in the late 19th century: “Alle Città d’Italia” department store in Milan

Journal of Consumer Culture, published on line 14 Sep. 2019
Merlo E., Trevisano N.

Lo stile italiano nelle carte. Inventario dell'archivio storico della Camera nazionale della moda italiana (1958-1989)

Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato

I teach "Economic History"​ for the undergraduate students and Channel Marketing (Trade evolution, analysis and planning) at the MSc level.