Cristina Mottironi


I was born and raised in a tourism place. So, after a degree in Philosophy from Università Cattolica (Milano), I took a Master in Tourism Economics from Università Bocconi and a PhD in Hospitality and Tourism Management from University of Surrey (UK).

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I am lecturer of Tourism Destination Management at Bocconi University and faculty at SDA, the Bocconi School of Management and I am currently director of the Bocconi Specialized Master Program in Tourism Economics (MET). I’ve been visiting professor at Temple University (Philadelphia, USA) and at various Italian Universities. I am consultant on tourism destination projects to public authorities and tourism organizations, member of the Italian Tourism Observatory (ENIT and Ministry of Tourism) and delegate to the Convention of the Alps for the Italian Ministry of the Environment. Former member of the Board of directors of the ‘Centro Internazionale di Arte e Cultura Palazzo Te’ (Mantova) and of Fabilia Group SpA.

Research interests

My research interests include tourism, regional development, cultural and creative industries, destination management and marketing.

Selected Publications
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C.

Wine and food tourism and place identity: the strategic role of local networks

In Foroudi, P., Mauri, C., Dennis, C., Melewar, T.C. (Eds.). Place branding: Connecting tourist experiences to places. Oxford: Gower, Chapter 15
Antonioli, M. Magnani, A., Mottironi, C.

Culture, Creativity and Tourism Attractiveness: Towards a Common Policy. Differing Clusters and Patterns in European Cities

In Luger, K., Ripp, M. (Eds.). World Heritage, Place Making and Sustainable Tourism Towards Integrated Approaches in Heritage Management. Wien: StudienVerlag, pp. 53-66
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C.

Smart City e Turismo

In Ferrari, G.F. (a cura di). Smart City. L’evoluzione di un’idea. Milano: Mimesis, pp. 225-246
Viganò, G., Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C.

Il turismo della montagna in un’ottica sostenibile: ruolo e nuove tendenze, indicatori e policy

XXIII-Rapporto-sul-Turismo-Italiano 2018-2019. Roma: Rogiosi Editore, pp. 609-626
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C., Recla, A.

Analisi strategica della domanda turistica per il territorio di Milano Marittima-Cervia

XXII-Rapporto-sul-Turismo-Italiano 2017-2018. Roma: Rogiosi Editore, pp. 151-164
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C.


Collana Pixel, Milano: EGEA
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C., & Baggio, R.

Shopping as an urban tourism determinant: technological tools for its promotion

In R. Garibaldi (Ed.), Il Turismo Culturale Europeo. Città Ri-Visitate. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 208-217
Antonioli, M., Mottironi, C.

Planning and management of European rural territories

in Costa, C., Panyik. E., & Buhalis, D. (Eds) ‘European Tourism Planning and Organisation Systems Vol.I. New Perspectives and Emerging Issues’. Channel view publications, Bristol: UK
Sartori, A., Mottironi, C., Antonioli, M.

Internal stakeholder-based brand equity for tourism destination marketing: an empirical study

Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(4), pp. 327-340
Baggio, R., Mottironi, C.

A regional review on Italy

Goodfellows Publishers, p. 2-25