Alessandra Casarico

I am Associate Professor of Public Economics at Bocconi University and member of the Dondena Research Center on Social Dynamics and Public Policy, where I coordinate the newly extablished Social Inclusion Lab (SILab).
Since September 2022 I am the Academic Director of the World Bachelor in Business, a triple degree program developed by Bocconi, USC University of Southern California Marshall School of Business and HKUST Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
I am Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Inequality and elected member of the ECINEQ council.
I am Research Fellow at CESifo Munich and member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ifo Institute, Munich.
I received a D.Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford and a MSc in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University.
My main research interests fall in the area of gender and public economics.