Francesco Dal Santo

I have been a lecturer in Public Finance since 2013.
I am also a Chartered Accountant (“Dottore Commercialista”) registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan.
I hold a Master’s degree with honors in Economics and Social Sciences and a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Economics and Business Legislation, both from Bocconi University.
After my universtiy studies, I obtained a Master’s degree in Tax Law from the Business School of “Il Sole 24 Ore” and in 2010 I specialized in tax litigation at the “Scuola del Difensore Tributario” (IPSOA).
Academic year 2020-2021: Bocconi Teaching Award.
Academic year 2016-2017: Bocconi Teaching Award.
Lecturer in Public Finance since 2013.
Academic year 2012-2013: Adjunct Professor of Public Finance.
Academic years 2009-2013: Teaching Assistant of Business Law (selected corporate and tax issues in management and internal auditing) and Public Finance.
Academic years 2008-2010: Teaching Assistant of Public Finance.
Academic years 2007-2008: One Year Research Grantee at the Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management and at ECONPUBBLICA (Centre for Research on the Public Sector).