Paolo Pinotti

paolo pinotti

I am Dean of the Faculty at Bocconi University, Professor of Economics at the Department of Social and Political Sciences, and Endowed Chair in the Economic Analysis of Crime. I direct the CLEAN Unit for the Economic Analysis of Crime at the Baffi-Carefin Research Center and I am the Coordinator of Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti. Before moving to Milan, I obtained my Ph.D. from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in 2009, and I worked at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy between 2007 and 2011.

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I hold an ERC Consolidator Grant for the project "Clean Evidence on Dirty Deeds" and I am the PI on the project “Dark Side of the Money”, funded by a PRIN Grant from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.

Research interests

I am an applied economist with a strong interest in social phenomena that are relevant from both a scientific and a policy perspective, such as immigration, discrimination, crime, and mass media. I study these phenomena through the lens of economic principles and employing state-of-the-art econometric methods. My research has been published in leading scientific journals, including the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, and Review of Economic Studies. In 2016, I was awarded the “AEJ:Applied Economics” Best Paper Award by the American Economic Association.

Working papers
Britto, Diogo; Fonseca, Alexandre; Pinotti, Paolo; Sampaio, Breno; Warwar, Lucas
Britto, Diogo; Hsu Rocha, Roberto; Pinotti, Paolo; Sampaio, Breno
Selected Publications

I have been teaching principles and methodologies for empirical policy evaluation at both graduate and undergraduate level. I also like to give public lectures and teach short courses to policy makers and practitioners outside academia.