Franco Amatori

Born in Ancona, I studied at the University of Florence and Harvard Business School.
Since 1985 I teach business history at Bocconi University. In 2000 I was appointed full professor. I am currently a Senior Professor.
A founder and past President of the Italian Association of Business Historians (ASSI) I also served as President of the European Business History Association (2000-2001). I was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Economic History Association (2009-2015).
In 2004 I was nominated an Honorary Foreign Member of the American Historical Association and in 2019 received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business History Conference.
I am an historian of economic facts and of the human character. While at Harvard I studied with Alfred D. Chandler (the founder of business history) and the pre-eminent economic historian, David Landes.
As a business historian I have studied industries in Italy that range from retail (La Rinascente Department Stores) to chemicals (Montecatini), automobiles (Lancia and Fiat), and State-owned conglomerates like IRI. I am also an expert of comparative business history, having studied and written about capitalism around the world.
When I’m not at a conference or teaching, I can be found in my personal library in Ancona where I host lectures and initiatives. In 2017 I was also elected President of Istituto Storia Marche. For my contributions to the cultural life of Ancona, in 2017 I was honored with the “Ciriachino l’Oro” award.
I am currently working on projects that examine Italian political and social issues in the period defined as Italy’s “economic miracle” (1958-1968).
I continue to pursue my study of the Italian firm and its environment from the country’s unification up to today.
Together with Andrea Colli I am working on the revised editions of two volumes on Italian business history and global business history. We are also preparing the history of an Italian family firm well known for its production and distribution of technical gases.