Observing Reality to Make School More Equitable

From one end of Italy to the other, Bocconi is committed to helping achieve the goal of more equitable schools, beginning with research. Two projects aim to smooth the high school choice process (in Milan with the WideHo project) and improve students' skills (from primary to high school) in Italian and mathematics (in Calabria with the RecAppCal project). The two projects in their early stages involve about 100 Italian schools between them. 

The RecAppCal (Recovery of Learning in Italian and Mathematics in Calabria) project is driven by various needs: to strengthen the basic skills of Calabrian students, to redress cultural, economic and social disadvantages, to ensure territorial rebalancing and to reduce school dropout. The project, a collaboration between various institutional and university partners, is overseen for Bocconi by Paolo Pinotti and Francesco Billari, in the Department of Social and Political Sciences, and Noemi Facchetti from the CLEAN Bocconi Research Center.


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